Media & Downloads

If you’re looking for more information about the coal industry or the Coal Association of Canada check out these resources.

Media Kit

Coal Mining in Canada
(June 2016)
Natural Resources Canada – 2012 Coal Annual Review
(Contains the latest information on coal)
PwC – Economic Impact Analysis of the Coal Mining Industry in Canada
(Contains economic data including coal mining impact to employment, GDP etc.)
PwC – Economic Impact Analysis of the Coal mining industry in British Columbia
(Contains economic data specific to British Columbia’s coal mining industry.)

For information about the Coal Association of Canada or topics related to coal in Canada contact:

Phone: (780) 757-9488

Coal Kit

Have you ever wondered how coal is mined, what types of coal are located in Canada, how technology plays an important role in the mining process and how coal mining contributes to our economy and communities?

The Coal Association of Canada has developed a series of educational modules for teachers and students to learn about this important resource. Click on the images below to download a PDF copy.

Coal Evolution

An overview of where coal comes from, how it’s mined, and why it’s an important source of energy.
View PDF

Coal Economics

Explains the role coal plays in the Canadian economy, coal markets and exports, as well as the people and skills needed to support the coal industry.
View PDF

Coal Technology

Shines a spotlight on how technology is changing the coal industry, how coal is used to create cost-effective and reliable electricity and how the industry is focused on continuous improvements.
View PDF

Coal Environment

Includes information on how the coal industry takes the environment into consideration from mine design, through extraction and reclamation. Articles focus on managing soil, limiting noise, improving efficiency, and protecting wildlife.
View PDF

Coal Sustainability

Focuses on sustainable coal mining, environmental efficiencies, community involvement, controlling emissions and climate change.
View PDF

Fact Sheets

Facts on Coal
(Alberta Government)
Coal Mining in Canada
(updated June 2016)
About Coal Royalties
(Alberta Government)
Carbon Capture and Storage
(World Coal Association)
About Mining Taxation
(Natural Resources Canada)
